Life is a Balance of Yin and Yang – Pray fro Kula!人生は陰と陽のバランス – クラのために祈って下さい。

Life surely is a balance between yin and yang-light and shadow. I have had higher highs and lower lows in my life. Many times tragedy struck when I least expected it.

These are a just a few.
I met Eric while I was going through a divorce from my first husband. Eric was working overseas so we kept in touch by phone or/and fax, since this was before we used the internet. I was happy that he moved to Santa Monica the following year as we started to enter a deeper level in our relationship. Then I got ovarian cancer in 1993.
In 2001, after I had started a career as a certified macrobiotic counselor, I had a near-fatal car accident in the Arizona dessert on my way from taking classes at the Kushi Institute. I was also ready to marry Eric after being together for 10 years, but when I awoke from my coma, I found out that he was about to break up with me.
In 2006, my first service/therapy dog, Kin had a litter, and I learned that my mother passed away suddenly after battling a long illness, from an asthma attack.
Eric and I were working hard to fulfill our dream of opening Seed restaurant, when one of our dogs, Dore, was killed in a hit and run accident. Ten days later her mother Kin died suddenly in 2008.

Now, my beloved dog Kula (she is Kin’s daughter and Dore’s sister), who had joyously just turned 13 last week, is stricken with spleen cancer.
We took her to her annual checkup and blood test and found out she has internal bleeding, so we had to take her to a special internal medicine animal hospital to get an ultrasound and x-ray. I was fervently praying that it was nothing serious, but she was diagnosed with spleen cancer, which had already spread to her lungs. I knew she lost some muscle around her hip area last month after injuring her leg and not walking as much, but it was not her leg injury that was causing her muscle loss. I also noticed one night that her tummy was bigger than usual, so I was concerned, but a few days later I did not notice it as much, so I thought she must have eaten too much. At her age she has a good appetite and enjoys meeting people at Farmers Market every Saturday, and still visits senior homes as a therapy dog.

Kula today!

Kula at a senior home as a service dog on May 26, 2016

I asked myself that what did I do wrong?
Why didn’t I take her for a checkup when I noticed her tummy was bigger?
Why didn’t I catch when her condition change?

The questions kept haunting me.


Dr. Lane is checking Kula

Kula with Dr. Lane

I talked to three vets (two holistic vets and one conventional). Dr. Lane (my main holistic vet) and Dr. Hadar (conventional vet) both said since five of her brothers died from cancer at a much younger age, and most golden retrievers get cancer because of a genetic propensity, Kula may have succumbed to that. Kula still has a good appetite, and she enjoys her life without reserve, so the chemical free and GMO plant-based homemade food has kept her from losing her appetite and retreating from a normal life. Dr. Hadar, who performed the ultrasound and x-ray, told me that Kula will live a few weeks to two months. I was too shocked to hear about it. As I am writing this I am not able to accept it and numb from the sudden prospect of losing Kula, but I know in my heart that Kula needs me to focus on her healing, not on my feelings of guilt or grief. She is eating, doing her best and not giving up on her life.

Kula with her 13th birthday gift of new bed

Kula loves her 13th birthday gift of her new bed!

I have been studying animal communication, so I talked to her about her cancer. She said “I am not feeling pain, but sometimes I feel more tired, so I thought I was just getting old. I still enjoy my life and now I have more time to be with you so I am not worried. Please don’t worry, because then I will worry about you. I enjoy my short walks, going to Santa Monica Farmers Market and seeing Leyla the apple vendor and all of the children who come to pet me and feed me snacks of organic Fuji apples (she only likes Fuji apples). I also love visiting our neighbor Nancy and going to a senior home as a service/therapy dog.”

Kula at Santa Monica Farmers Market

Kula at Santa Monica Farmers Market

When I asked her if I can share her story, she said “ Mommy, do you need to ask me that? You wrote Healthy Happy Pooch book so that you can share with others what you thought was best for you against all odds and wanted others to benefit from what you experienced and learned. I trust you to do the same and help other dogs and dog’s family go through tough times the best way they can, through my story and photos.” She made me feel that I have been loved by her so much that I can’t even express with words. She also talked to my animal communicator teacher, Lydia Hiby and she is not ready to leave so soon and she really enjoys her life and appreciates everything she has been receiving from us and other five dogs and two kitty family are very understanding her condition and caring what she is going through.

I was so sad when I found out about her cancer and did not know what to say.
This is unbearably difficult for me, but being in denial is not going to help anything or anyone, so I am accepting my fear, sadness and mental suffering so that I can go on with my daily ritual of getting up in the morning, appreciating my life and Kula’s life and her courage, kindness and beautiful soul.

Please pray for her to fulfill her life and miraculous recover from this cancer one day at a time.

Kula is enjoying being on the deck after dinner.

Kula enjoys being on the deck after dinner.


I am making special remedy drink and healing food for her. I also give her body scrub, shiatsu, Reiki, moxibustion and more.
I want to share what I am doing to help her through this healing journey whenever I can.

I appreciate so much for all of your support and prayer for Kula.
Love and healing for Kula,






エリックと私は一生懸命働いてSeed レストランをオープンする夢を実現させようとしていた時に愛犬ドレちゃんが自宅のすぐ横の裏道で車にひき逃げされて亡くなってしまい、その後、10日後に母親のキンが急に亡くなってしまった、2008年。




Kula with Beach sign sm








How Many Whole Grains Do You Know Besides Brown Rice?

Eating whole grains are good for us.
What are whole grains? How many whole grains do you know besides brown rice?
Brown rice and quinoa are most popular ones right now in the America.

How many whole grains can you identify?

How many whole grains can you identify?

Eating whole grains have many benefits – “getting fiber, a healthy plant-based protein, vitamins, minerals, and a variety of phytochemicals that will improve your health.”

It is simple way to cook whole grains, but they all have different energy effects and some are different way to cook.

Usually after rinse them with spring water three times or more, you soak most of them 4~6 hours or over night. Sometimes you roasted to make more fire energy for the person who has too cold energy deficiency to bring Ki/Chi energy up.

My recent cooking class I show how to cook five different kinds of whole grains. There are many benefits and different way to cook so it is important to learn how to cook properly each whole grains.


Red and Yellow quinoa cooked together

Red and Yellow quinoa cooked togethe


Red and Yellow Quinoa

1 cup red quinoa

1 cup yellow quinoa

3 cups spring water

2 pinch sea salt

bring up to boil and simmer for 15~20 minutes.

Move it on a trivet after turning off the heat, but keep the lid for another 5 ~ 10minutes.


Recently many people might heard “Quinoa” is good, but do they really know why?
Well, the first Quinoa is one of whole grains means complex carbohydrate. Complex and simple carbohydrate are very different.
Quinoa often referred to as the super grain and high in fiber and high-quality protein. In fact, it contains more protein than any other grain while also packing in iron and potassium. One half cup of quinoa has 14 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber.


Soft Millet

Creamy Millet

Creamy Millet

1 cup millet

4 cups spring water

one pinch sea salt


Whole Oats

Whole Oats

Whole Oats

2 cups whole oats

6 cups spring water

2″ kombu


Whole Barley and Brown Rice

Whole Barley and Brown Rice

Whole Barley and Brown Rice

2 cups brown rice

2/3 cup whole barley

2 pinches sea salt





2 cups hatomugi

4 cups spring water

2 pinches sea salt


Quinoa Salad

Quinoa Salad


How to mixed whole grains

How to mixed whole grains


Five Whole Grains Plate

Five Whole Grains Plate



Making goals each year!

Every year I have been making a list my goals for a while.
I realized that I am a big achiever and have expected too much from myself sometimes when I turned 60 years old last year.
I felt that it was time for me to transform to connect inner happiness more than ever. No matter how much you made money or you are success in business it does not matter to me if I am not connected to myself and be with my love ones so I made this year priority goal to be “enjoy my life with my family and spending more time with them”. My family who I live with has been my husband, Eric, six dogs and two cats.

It was my husband, Eric and Kula (eldest dog)’s birthday last weekend. Eric got his new Naish paddle surf board.

Eric with his new Naish

Eric with his new Naish

Kula is now 13 so it is very special to us since her mother passed age of 12 and her most of sibling left much younger age so we wanted to give her special gifts.

Kula with her new bed

Kula with her new bed

Kula with her new food bowl holder

Kula with her new food bowl holder

Eric with his wave

Eric with his wave

She got her new bed, and her food bowl holder made by Eric and took her to her and our favorite place…the beach.

Eric, Oro and Kula

Eric, Oro and Kula

Besides spending time with my family I also wanted to try a paddle board myself. Since Eric has started it a few years ago I really wanted to try, but because of my both legs were broken from car crash in 2001 and doctor told me I may never walk. It took a long time…for me to be able to live life functionally. One year bed ridden, four years a wheel chair life with many years of physical therapy, energy work and eating healing macrobiotic food. I started to walk with a cane and continued my goal of making myself strong and did my best whatever I can to bring my motivation up.
Yoga, meditation, Bach Flower Remedy, Massage, Reiki, aromatherapy, 12 step program and more. I am so happy that I did not give up.

My first paddle board with Lumi

My first paddle board with Lumi

I thought giving my health and happiness is the best gifts to give to Eric. I truly appreciate Eric and my furry family here with me.
Another goal is visiting my sister, brother and niece who are all in Japan every year if I can so I visited them last year and my niece came here this year.

Eric & Lumi

Eric & Lumi

Making achievement to focus a little things like spending time with family is happiest thing that I have experience so I am going to continue my best!

Kula's 13th birthday

Kula’s 13th birthday

Love, Sanae

Natto Canapé

Natto is fermented soybeans that has been recognized as one of Japan’s most unique traditional health foods. Highly nutritious and rich in protein. One of best good bacteria foods for your stomach and intestine and many benefits so hear the list of benefits:
It moves blood circulation, which is great for those who have cold hands and feet due to poor blood circulation. Natto is also spleen supportive and digestive supportive. Natto’s unique culture also boosts the immune system.

1. Benefit of Natto
1) It moves blood circulation, which is great for those who have cold hands and feet due to poor blood circulation.
2) Natto is also spleen supportive and digestive supportive.
3) Natto’s unique culture also boosts the immune system.
4) Scientific research has revealed such a rich palette of health benefits, that many Westerners have adapted their palate to include this unusual food that is naturally rich in vitamin K2.
5) Protection from Alzheimers by removing plaque from the brain.
6) Prevention and reversal of arterial sclerosis and hypertension.
7) Anti-inflammatory properties promote joint health and reduce arthritic pain (also osteoporosis risk by K2)

8) Dissolves blood clots, offering protection from strokes (many people take aspirin for cardiovascular protection, but natto does this without the side effects of aspirin.)
9) Reduces bone loss, particularly in post-menopausal and older women.
10) Promotes healthy skin.

It has a powerful smell like cheese, strong flavor, and slimy texture so it is not easy to eat unless you get to use to eat it so preparation is important. Many people try Natto because it is healthy, but because of the strong smell and slimy texture they never enjoy to eat.
If you want to learn how to prepare to eat Natto deliciously and also learn how to make homemade Natto, please contact me so I can let you know when I offer next Natto making and preparation class.

Here is one of my Natto preparation recipes “Natto Canapé” for Natto eating beginners so you can enjoy.

2. Recipe
Natto Canapé (fomented soy beans)


1 sun dried tomato (0.5 oz)
two leaves basil (5 leaves)
3 oz Natto (organic none GMO homemade is better)
tamari -soy sauce with no wheat or shoyu-soy sauce (option)
olive oil (option)
rice crackers

1. Soak sun dried tomato to be soft, drain the water and sliced very thin.
2. Chop basil leaves.
3. Mix sliced sun dried tomato and chopped basil into Natto in a bowl.
4. Add tamari or shoyu and/or olive oil.
5. #4 mix to place on a rice crackers.
6. Add sprout on the top as garnish/decoration.

Bach Flower Remedy for Pollen Allergy

Surprisingly, many people are not aware of how much our mental and emotional state affects our physical health, and also how sensitive we are to the environment, which can cause many of our health issues, including allergies.

Allergies are an uncomfortable predicament that comes with a variety of bothersome symptoms that pop up or worsens for many people during the early Spring and can last for months. After our bodies have been exposed too much to pollen, animal hair, dust or chemicals etc., we become sensitized, and cannot tolerate that substance anymore. Dietary factors can cause reactions to allergens also. It is a disorder of the immune system that causes symptoms such as sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, and a runny nose. In some cases, these reactions can be very strong and cause severe, even life-threatening, conditions. Allergies are one of the most common afflictions that have people seeking alternative medicine and holistic care these days.

Bach Flowers are an array of 38 self-healing Flower Essence Remedies developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the U.K. in the 1930’s. Flower Essences are very safe energetic remedies that bring harmony to our mental and emotions and encourage positive thinking, allowing us to be more joyful, calm, patient, focused, balanced, accepting, and more.
Use a single Bach Flower remedy or a blend, as directed, to encourage mind-body healing and wellness for optimal health. Bach Flowers are a wonderful, natural complement to any health plan or healing journey and can be used alongside any other remedy, including pharmaceuticals.

Here are the Bach Flowers that are recommended for allergies:

Beech: commonly used for intolerance. In this case, the allergy sufferer is experiencing intolerance to something in the environment that has invaded their space or body, like pollen, grass, and other organic matter. You might not believe it, but our attitude can affect us physically. Beech helps us tune into acceptance and tolerance. When the mind and soul are in an accepting mood, it is much easier for the body to follow suit. Definitely one worth trying when itchy eyes or sneezing is out of control!

Crab Apple: generally used when there is something to get rid of, like negative thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Also useful when there is literally something in the body that we need to get rid of, like allergens. These allergens may enter the body through our interaction with the environment; just opening a window can set off allergic reactions for some people. The annoying allergens can also gain access through the food we eat. Sometimes chronic infections play a role in allergies. They can poison the body and make it overly sensitive. Crab Apple helps with release on all levels. A common recommendation for allergy sufferers is to detoxify the body, basically help out the body’s natural process of release. Crab Apple is one of the best remedies for physical release and my favorite for an energetic cleanse and the most important detoxifying essence.

Walnut: for over-sensitivity to change. The transition from winter to spring is a big change and some of us really feel it. The shift in seasons can affect our sleep, mood, appetite, and energy levels. Walnut can also be used for over-sensitivity in general. The more sensitive you are to an allergen, the harsher your reaction will be. Walnut helps the mind and body adapt and encourages an attitude that is open to change, helping us deal with all types of transitions.

Any other Bach Flower: depending on your emotions, mental state, personality and the attitude you have toward your suffering, you may find a variety of the other Bach Flowers helpful during allergy season. Here is a quick description of a few:

Holly for anger. Are you mad at the world or your body for doing this to you? Are you jealous of everyone who is not suffering? Do your symptoms make you uptight and grouchy and everyone else knows it? Use Holly to tune into pure love and relaxed feelings. Holly also helps in cases of strong immune reactions. This can be used, for example, in severe fits of sneezing, clear cases of irritation, or allergic shock.

Mimulus for fears we can name. Do you fear allergic reactions? Are you afraid to go outside or play in nature? Are you afraid to go to a certain place because your reaction will make you look silly or feel uncomfortable? Mimulus gives us courage to face our fears and be ourselves. You are not your disease.

Olive to awaken the body’s healing potential. Are you exhausted by the battle against your allergy symptoms? Olive is a great remedy when lacking physical energy, especially after a long struggle. Olive brings the spark back to your soul.

RESCUE REMEDY a popular combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose, and Star of Bethlehem. An excellent go-to remedy for any occasion.

I believe that much of our chronic problems are stress related; and most stress can be tied into an emotion, such as fear, anxiety, or hopelessness. Over time you can see how these emotions could lead to physical distress. You might say then that these remedies are designed to get at the root of the problem.
You can use a remedy by itself or combine some of them. Look for Bach Flowers at your local natural health store or order them online. You can take 2 drops of each remedy at least 4 times a day. If you want to know how to make your own personal combination of remedies, I am available for counseling as a Bach Flower Registered Practitioner. Choosing the right remedy and how to take the right quantity are key to successful Bach Flower remedy. FOR More information, please email me sanaehealing@gmail.

Macrobiotic Plant Based Vegan Cooking Class: Traditional Brown Rice Cooking without a Rice Cooker

Since I am from Japan it is a joy when I get to teach class in my native language, which is not often here in the United States.

When January 2016 arrived one I made one of my New Year resolutions to teach my macrobiotic principle cooking class series in Japanese once again. The last time I offered this series in Japanese was three years ago. After that I only taught a single Japanese class here and there, so this time I committed to teach one every month. Students will benefit by learning macrobiotic cooking from a more complete, progressive program of courses. I am grateful that I have realized my goal and started the first class last week.

 "No Rice No Life" T-shit was a perfect for this class. Can you identify these whole grains?

“No Rice No Life” T-shit was a perfect for this class. Can you identify these whole grains?

I taught Whole Grain part 1 cooking class last week. Introduced eight different whole grains: 1) short grain brown rice, 2) long grain brown rice, 3) sweet brown rice, 4) whole oats, 5) whole barley, 6) millet, 7) quinoa, and 8) buckwheat first (this was fun for students to know there are many whole grains and to identify whole grains since most of us do not know many whole grains are available for us to cook. I showed how to prepare and cook brown rice the traditional way (macrobiotic way), without a rice cooker. All the Japanese students know how to make white rice in the rice cooker and some know how to make brown rice, since rice cooker companies have developed the rice cooker for cooking brown rice. Japanese people usually never make rice without a rice cooker, and I was one of them until 1993. It means departing from a convenient routine, which is not easy for most of us. Japanese students are very polite, and they do not say much in class; I guess they do not want to interrupt the teacher, but after class some of them ask me questions or tell me their thoughts. During this class only one student who had lived in the U.S. for a long time spoke up. Most of them told me after class that they were a little concerned that brown rice would not be as tasty if they did not use a rice cooker, but they were surprised when all the three different kinds of preparation of brown rice came out so delicious, even better than when cooked in a rice cooker. In fact, they found the rice that got burned at the bottom to be tasty as well. That’s right, after having taught cooking for over 20 years, I still burn the rice, and I want my students to see me as I am – not perfect. I want them to understand that sometimes we burn the rice, and it is alright as long as we know why it happened. It is important to accept it, since making mistakes is part of life, right? We just need to know what happened and do our best to not repeat the mistake as much as we can (but we also accept that as humans we make the same mistakes over and over until we really learn).

Brown rice with kombu sea vegetable

Brown rice with kombu sea vegetable


In this class I showed three different ways to cook brown rice:
First, all the brown rice are washed and soaked over night.

1. in a stainless steel pot, 2 cups of brown rice with 4 cups water and add a pinch of sea salt when it start to boil and simmer for 45 minutes. You don’t have to mention how much rice & water to add?
2. in a ceramic pot, called “Nabe” in Japanese, 2 cups of brown rice with 4 cups water and add a stamp sized piece of kombu sea vegetable when it start boil and simmer for 45 minutes.
3. in a pressure cooker, 2 cups of brown rice with 4 cups water add a umeboshi plum (Japanese traditional pickled ume plum, which is very high in alkaline (organic California aged umeboshi plums can be purchase at Seed Kitchen) when it start to boil and simmer for 45 minutes.
Since I had not used the pressure cooker for a while, the pressure did not go up correctly, and I was also talking to students when it was time to remove it from the stove, so the rice cooked too long, burned the bottom slightly. I quickly removed it from the stove when I realized that I was talking instead of watching the pot, so I kindly sent the good wish to the rice and said “Sorry to have missed your perfect timing, but I am sure you are going to be tasty!”
I added quickly blanched stems of kale to the burned rice to dress it up with green polka dots, so it looked and tasted better.


Roasting sesame seed after you rinsed sesame seed with water.

Roasting sesame seed after you rinsed sesame seed with water.

I also taught how to make gomashio (sesame salt which is usually recommended to eat with grains) condiment and quick water sautéed onion, carrot and kale.

Water sautéed kale.

Water sautéed kale.

There was no time to teach how to make the dressing so I served fresh tahini miso dressing from Seed Kitchen (my husband Eric Lechasseur and my restaurant in Venice, California) which was so tasty some of the students were pouring it over the brown rice. Everyone wanted to learn how to make this dressing in the next class.

The food was all ready!

The food was all ready!

Simple and beautiful delicious three different kinds brown rice with vegetables.

Simple and beautiful delicious three different kinds brown rice with vegetables.

We had a delicious lunch together outside on the picnic table under the California sunshine.
We all look forward to meeting again at the next class, Whole Grains part 2.


Love, Sanae❤️

These below questions are from one of students who took the class. I want to share them for other Japanese students to see and learn from them.











圧力鍋はいろんな種類があって好みだと思いますが、私は、KUHN RIKONを使っています。



P.S. マクロビにコーヒーは厳禁だと思います。がどうしても朝のコーヒーがやめられません。

やめる為のレメディーは、実際にはありませんが、甘い野菜のレメディーは、コーヒーを飲んで疲れ気味な膵臓を癒してくれます。(Love, Sanaeの本のページ164のSweet vegetable Drink参照)


