
Suggested Readings

Macrobiotics & Natural Foods Aveline Kushi’s Complete Guide to Macrobiotic Cooking : For Health, Harmony, and Peace
by Aveline Kushi, Alex Jack, and Michio Kushi


Basic Home Remedies : A Macrobiotic Guide to Special Drinks, Compresses, Plasters, and Other Natural Applications
by Michio Kushi and Alex Jack


Changing Seasons Macrobiotic Cookbook

by Aveline Kushi and Wendy Esko


The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health : A Complete Guide to Naturally Preventing and Relieving More Than 200 Chronic Conditions and Disorders
by Michio Kushi and Alex Jack


The Macrobiotic Way

by Michio Kushi, Stephen Blauer, and Wendy Esko


Your Face Never Lies
by Michio Kushi


Becoming Whole

by Meg Wolff


Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy : A True Story of Discovery, Acting, Health, Illness, Recovery And Life
by Dirk Benedict


Diet for a New America

by John Robbins


Fresh from a Vegetarian Kitchen

by Meredith McCarty


by Christina Pirello


Healing with Whole Foods : Oriental Traditions and Modern Nutrition
by Paul Pitchford


The Hip Chick’s Guide to Macrobiotics : A Philosophy for Achieving a Radiant Mind and a Fabulous Body
by Jessica Porter


Love, Eric: Delicious Vegan Macrobiotic Desserts
by Eric Lechasseur


Love, Eric & Sanae : Seasonal Vegan Macrobiotic Cuisine
by Eric Lechasseur and Sanae Suzuki


Love, Sanae : Healing Vegan Macrobiotic Cooking
by Sanae Suzuki


My Beautiful Life : How Macrobiotics Brought Me from Cancer to Radiant Health
by Milenka Dobic, Alex Jack, Michio, and Aveline Kushi


Nature’s Cancer Fighting Foods

by Verne Varona


The Self-Healing Cookbook : Whole Foods To Balance Body, Mind and Moods
by Kristina Turner




Advanced Bach Flower Therapy : A Scientific Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment
by Götz Blome, M.D.


Essential Oils (Neal’s Yard Remedies)

by Susan Curtis


Essential Oils and Cancer
by Kurt Schnaubelt


500 Formulas For Aromatherapy : Mixing Essential Oils for Every Use
by David Schiller and Carol Schiller


Facial Diagnosis Of Cell Salt Deficiencies : A User’s Guide
by David R. Card


Homeopathic Self-Care : The Quick & Easy Guide for the Whole Family
by Robert Ullman and Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman


In Search of the Medicine Buddha : A Himalayan Journey
by David Crow


Dogs and Cats


Healthy Happy Pooch
by Sanae Suzuki