When I started college at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California , I had to choose a major. Originally I’d told my parents I was going to help my father’s import/export business, and I came to America to study English. I declared a business major first, but my heart was not in it, and I was very puzzled when I was taking business classes. Looking back, however, they helped my career later on, so I am grateful.
Just to keep myself interested and continue going to school, I had to pick something else. I chose photojournalism, since I love to write. I noticed that in my favorite magazines, like National Geographic, the writers and photographers were always separate people. I wanted to both write and photograph articles. What an ambition I had, but that is what I do now. I write my blog and post my photos, right? Hahaha!
With photography, there’s something magical about capturing what you see and printing it (in those days, I was in a darkroom printing photos one by one, which I had very serene feelings about). Now, most of us use digital cameras, but my attraction was in capturing what I see and expressing it. That has not changed, and it’s even expanded to a bigger scale, reaching out from my deeper soul now.
I take photographs mostly of food, dogs, cats, nature, flowers/plants, and of course Eric (my husband) and that has been my life for the last 20 years. It is one of my favorite things to do. Every day I take photos, and whenever I do it, I am happy. I hope you find something to make you happy every day.