What is Macrobiotique?

The word “macrobiotics” originated from Greek “macro” – large, long, “bios” – life, and “ticks” – skills. Macrobiotics is a philosophy of life, following the Chinese principle of “yin and yang,” which guides us in creating a balance.
Macrobiotics is a lifestyle that encourages living with the natural order of life.
Although Macrobiotics is considered an approach to life rather than a diet, food is a major component that shapes our daily life.

Whole grains are the staple, supplemented by locally grown organic vegetables, beans and sea vegetables, all prepared with traditional methods of cooking. Eating simple, natural organic foods, while avoiding highly processed and refined sugar foods, is the bottom line. It is important to lean from macrobiotics that foods can have both good and bad effects on your body. Also, the way we eat not only shapes physical health, it shapes psychological and spiritual wellbeing. The key lies in balance. In a macrobiotics diet, the composition dishes and choices of foods are adjusted according to the season, the climate, geography, and one’s age, gender, health condition, activities, and life circumstance.

Practicing macrobiotics gives you the strength to stay in touch with your feelings and bodily signs, maintain mental awareness and clarity, and help rediscover your true self.

from Love, Sanae Healing Vegan Macrobiotic Cooking Book page 239