Surprisingly, many people are not aware of how much our mental and emotional state affects our physical health, and also how sensitive we are to the environment, which can cause many of our health issues, including allergies.
Allergies are an uncomfortable predicament that comes with a variety of bothersome symptoms that pop up or worsens for many people during the early Spring and can last for months. After our bodies have been exposed too much to pollen, animal hair, dust or chemicals etc., we become sensitized, and cannot tolerate that substance anymore. Dietary factors can cause reactions to allergens also. It is a disorder of the immune system that causes symptoms such as sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, and a runny nose. In some cases, these reactions can be very strong and cause severe, even life-threatening, conditions. Allergies are one of the most common afflictions that have people seeking alternative medicine and holistic care these days.
Bach Flowers are an array of 38 self-healing Flower Essence Remedies developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the U.K. in the 1930’s. Flower Essences are very safe energetic remedies that bring harmony to our mental and emotions and encourage positive thinking, allowing us to be more joyful, calm, patient, focused, balanced, accepting, and more.
Use a single Bach Flower remedy or a blend, as directed, to encourage mind-body healing and wellness for optimal health. Bach Flowers are a wonderful, natural complement to any health plan or healing journey and can be used alongside any other remedy, including pharmaceuticals.
Here are the Bach Flowers that are recommended for allergies:
Beech: commonly used for intolerance. In this case, the allergy sufferer is experiencing intolerance to something in the environment that has invaded their space or body, like pollen, grass, and other organic matter. You might not believe it, but our attitude can affect us physically. Beech helps us tune into acceptance and tolerance. When the mind and soul are in an accepting mood, it is much easier for the body to follow suit. Definitely one worth trying when itchy eyes or sneezing is out of control!
Crab Apple: generally used when there is something to get rid of, like negative thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Also useful when there is literally something in the body that we need to get rid of, like allergens. These allergens may enter the body through our interaction with the environment; just opening a window can set off allergic reactions for some people. The annoying allergens can also gain access through the food we eat. Sometimes chronic infections play a role in allergies. They can poison the body and make it overly sensitive. Crab Apple helps with release on all levels. A common recommendation for allergy sufferers is to detoxify the body, basically help out the body’s natural process of release. Crab Apple is one of the best remedies for physical release and my favorite for an energetic cleanse and the most important detoxifying essence.
Walnut: for over-sensitivity to change. The transition from winter to spring is a big change and some of us really feel it. The shift in seasons can affect our sleep, mood, appetite, and energy levels. Walnut can also be used for over-sensitivity in general. The more sensitive you are to an allergen, the harsher your reaction will be. Walnut helps the mind and body adapt and encourages an attitude that is open to change, helping us deal with all types of transitions.
Any other Bach Flower: depending on your emotions, mental state, personality and the attitude you have toward your suffering, you may find a variety of the other Bach Flowers helpful during allergy season. Here is a quick description of a few:
– Holly for anger. Are you mad at the world or your body for doing this to you? Are you jealous of everyone who is not suffering? Do your symptoms make you uptight and grouchy and everyone else knows it? Use Holly to tune into pure love and relaxed feelings. Holly also helps in cases of strong immune reactions. This can be used, for example, in severe fits of sneezing, clear cases of irritation, or allergic shock.
– Mimulus for fears we can name. Do you fear allergic reactions? Are you afraid to go outside or play in nature? Are you afraid to go to a certain place because your reaction will make you look silly or feel uncomfortable? Mimulus gives us courage to face our fears and be ourselves. You are not your disease.
– Olive to awaken the body’s healing potential. Are you exhausted by the battle against your allergy symptoms? Olive is a great remedy when lacking physical energy, especially after a long struggle. Olive brings the spark back to your soul.
– RESCUE REMEDY a popular combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose, and Star of Bethlehem. An excellent go-to remedy for any occasion.
I believe that much of our chronic problems are stress related; and most stress can be tied into an emotion, such as fear, anxiety, or hopelessness. Over time you can see how these emotions could lead to physical distress. You might say then that these remedies are designed to get at the root of the problem.
You can use a remedy by itself or combine some of them. Look for Bach Flowers at your local natural health store or order them online. You can take 2 drops of each remedy at least 4 times a day. If you want to know how to make your own personal combination of remedies, I am available for counseling as a Bach Flower Registered Practitioner. Choosing the right remedy and how to take the right quantity are key to successful Bach Flower remedy. FOR More information, please email me sanaehealing@gmail.