30 Years Ago Today

Once in a while, there is no significant reason, but I feel not up in a lifting mood. I am sure I am not the only one to have these kinds of days.

I have been unable to get up in the morning as usual.
I could hear my husband Eric in the kitchen.
I smelled he was making my morning remedy tea, breakfast, and feeding cats and dogs family.

I was figuring out why I have not been able to get up.
Is it because I am affected by May Gray (darkens the coastal skies of sunny southern California with a marine stratus layer)?
Am I just tired because of aging? – I turned 66 last month.
Am I feeling scared that stage IV lymphoma that I had four years ago might come back?
Am I doing more than my limit, and I did not rest enough?
I think all these reasons are correct.
Eric came to bed and kissed me before he left for his work.

The house was quiet after Eric left, and all my dogs and cats’ family was around me. I talked to them a little bit, and they encouraged me.
I focused on getting up, making my morning routine, drunk remedy drink, body scrubbed with loquat leaves, meditation, and ate breakfast.

I went out my morning walk with my dogs.
I noticed the cool air and smelled jasmines blooming neighbors’ sidewalks.
I could hear a car stopped behind me quietly.
I looked back and saw Eric’s smile.

I was not expecting him to be home this morning, so I was surprised, and the dogs were excited to see him.
I decided to ride back home in his car because Kai, one of the dogs, was ready to jump in.
I asked him, “where are you going?” he said, “home.”

When we got home, he asked me,
“Do you know what today is? May 13th? “
I did not know what to say because his birthday is May 15th and May 17th was the day I received a diagnosis, only weeks to live four years ago.
My focus was on these two dates recently.

He told me that his mom called him this morning and remind him what today is for us.
He gave me blight sunflowers and said to me,
“30 years ago today, we met!”
That’s right.
How can I forget about it?

We met two days before Eric’s birthday in 1991 in Mexico, where he worked at a resort hotel as an executive chef, and I was a guest.
I usually remember this date, but this year, I looked at May Gray every morning and forgot about it.
I am very grateful to have Eric’s mother reminded him, and for him to got cheerful sunflowers for me and took time to come home to tell me 30 years ago today, we met!

I am happy to have met Eric 30 years ago today, which changed my whole life.
His existence in my life has been helping me to live and want to live more.

I wrote today as gratitude to Eric’s kindness and Eric’s mother, Louise’s love.

Note: The photo is the day we met on the first day with the sunflowers that Eric brought for me this morning.

Sanae 💖


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  1. 1

    Hello Beautiful Sanae! I loved watching you and Eric today on Chef AJ’s show! The two of you are so in sync, the love you share for one another is so beautiful! I cant wait to try the kamatchu. Millet, pumpkin seed recipe! I have been vegetarian for five years and have fish only when we go to Cape Cod MA once a year, we eat all local Cape Cod seafood there.
    I am buying one of your cookbooks, one of Eric’s and the Pooch book too.
    Sending you and Eric a Hug!
    Paula Becker

    • 2

      Hello Paula,
      I am glad that you watched me and Eric on Chef AJ’s show.
      We enjoy being at her show.
      Thank you for purchasing our cookbooks.
      We will ship them tomorrow, Monday or latest Tuesday.
      Love, Sanae

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