Autumn Remedy Drinks for Lungs and Large Intestine

Lotus Root Tea and Carrot and Daikon Remedy Drinks

The weather is getting cooler, and our official calendar date of autumn is here.
It is time for us to take care of our lungs and large intestine.

When the weather changes from hot to warm to cool, before it gets really cold, our body adjusts our lungs to breathing in cooler air.
Our whole body feels the cooler air and tightens up the lungs.
So, if you were eating excess protein, fat, and oil (both animal or plant-based foods),
and they are all squeezed out, guess what—our body is trying to detox, and mucus is coming out.

You might have a runny nose or sneezing to detoxify nasal mucus, as well as coughing or a sore throat to detoxify phlegm.
Does that sound familiar?

These recipes are very good when you’ve eaten too much oily and mucus-producing food.

Lotus Root tea is especially good to drink when the weather is starting to cool down and you have a sore throat and are starting to cough. Also, it is a good remedy drink for Pneumonia, Asthma, Bronchitis and even Lung cancer.

I made it just this morning for Eric and Oro, who have started coughing.
I think they feel much better.
They love this remedy drink because fresh lotus root is very creamy and naturally sweet when grated with a ceramic grater.

Carrot and Daikon Remedy helps detox your body, especially the intestine, from excessive consumption of animal- or plant-based protein, fat, oil, and salt.

Recipe for Fresh Lotus Tea Remedy Drink


1⁄2 cup fresh lotus root, grated

1⁄2 to 1 cup purified water

pinch of sea salt

To make the tea (using fresh lotus root):

  1. Place the grated lotus pulp in a piece of cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice into a measuring cup. The amount of juice you get will vary depending on the quality and freshness of the lotus. The pulp may be saved and added to other dishes, like miso soup.
  2. In a small saucepan over a medium-high flame, combine the juice with an equal amount of the purified water. Add a pinch of sea salt or a few drops of soy sauce.
  3. Bring juice mixture to aboil, reduce heat to low and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes.
  4. The tea should be thick and creamy.
  5. Serve hot.

Recipe for Carrot and Daikon Drink Remedy Fresh Lotus Tea


1⁄4 cup fresh daikon, finely grated*

1⁄4 cup fresh carrot, finely grated*

1 cup purified water

1⁄2 umeboshi plum, finely chopped soy sauce (optional)

1⁄4 to 1⁄2 sheet of nori, shredded

To make the drink:

1. In a small saucepan over a medium-high flame, combine the grated daikon, carrots and purified water, and bring to a boil.

2. Addchoppedumeboshiandafewdropsofsoy sauce (if desired), reduce heat to low and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes.

3. Transfer into a serving cup, add shredded nori, and drink hot.


Recipes are from Love, Sanae cookbook.


I have been practicing macrobiotics for more than 25 years, and remedy drinks are simply kind to our body and soul, yet very effective for cleansing.
So, I make them almost every morning instead of coffee.

Drink these remedy drinks at least 30 minutes before breakfast, or in the late afternoon between meals.
Most conditions take at least two to three days of continued drinking.
If you have a serious health condition, it’s always wise to consult with an experienced macrobiotics counselor.

You can contact me here or check counseling service for counseling.


Enjoy these recipes!

Love, Sanae 💖




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