Advice from a sunflower:
Be bright,
Spread seeds of happiness.
Rise, shine, and hold your head high.
I have loved growing many different flowers since I was a child. My grandmother grew chrysanthemums every year for the chrysanthemum exhibition award.

Photo: This is similar chrysanthemum my grandmother was growing
I really admired how she grew them so beautifully.
She inspired me, and I grew my first flower, “canna” when I was 7 years old.

Canna flowers
The following year, I grew a beautiful “amaryllis” in an apple crate, which I got from a fruits market, and got a soil from the back of our place, where it was all empty lots. They bloomed so beautifully and so many of neighbors were impressed that I was the one to grow them.

Amaryllis flowers
I also enjoyed growing “morning glories” in the summertime, seeing them bloom in the morning and close in the afternoon when I was 10 years old.

Morning glories flowers
“Lilac, cosmos, freesia, chicory and native plants like white sage, Cleveland sage and gooseberry” – are another my favorite flowers to grow.

Lilac flowers

Cosmos flowers

Freesia flowers

Chicory flower

White sage

Cleveland sage

Gooseberry flowers
For a while I learned how to grow lotus flowers.

Lotus flowers
The last few years, I really enjoyed growing plumeria.

Plumelia flowers
As my feelings change and moods change, what I grow has changed.
This year, it has been all about sunflowers, so I got the seeds and planted them. The first time, all the sunflower seeds were eaten by squirrels and birds. The next day, there was nothing in the pots. I was amazed how they knew I had just planted sunflower seeds. I had to cover the pots with nets after planting the seeds again.
Here are some photos of my sunflower seeds for planting to blooming.

Planting sunflower seeds

Sunflower seed has sprouted

Sunflower seedlings

Sunflower bud – beautiful even before open the flower

Sunflower is taking time to bloom
These are all quotes about sunflowers that I love.
They are all perfect for me to go #6 (last) chemotherapy this week.
“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It’s what the sunflowers do.” —Helen Keller
“I want to be like a sunflower; so that even on the darkest days I will stand tall and find the sunlight.”
“Be happy. Do the best you can. Be good and kind.”
“We’re all golden sunflowers inside.” —Allen Ginsberg
I am a sunflower and will conquer #6 chemo. Here I come!
Love, Sanae 💖
Thank you for your prayers and continuous support!
We are grateful and invite you to help us at this time by YouCaring Fundraising to Support Sanae’s Recovery from Cancer or purchasing our books directly from us to cover my medical expenses.
Here are our books:
My post mailing address for sending your card, gift or check (check payable to Eric Lechasseru):
2610A 23rd St.
Santa Monica, CA 90405
I will not be able to personally reply to each person, but I promise I will read everyone’s messages, emails, and cards.
Love, Sanae 💖