









大根は皮の部分の方が2倍ほど多く ビタミンCが含まれていますので、オーガニッ クの大根を見つけてマクロビオティックの料理法で皮のまま料理することをおすすめしま す。また、アミラーゼというデンプン分解酵素が豊富なので消化を助けます。

大根はビタミンCやE、カリウム、カルシウム を多く含み、消化を促します。夏大根は、肉 質が硬く、辛みも強いです。大根の辛み成分 であるイソチオシアナートには、血液をサラ サラにし、血栓を予防する働きがあると言わ れています。その他にも免疫力に関係する白 血球の活性化、殺菌作用に対する効果大。 皮に近い部分には、ビタミンが豊富に含まれ

ていて、特に表皮には中央部の2倍も含まれ ているので、皮もしっかり洗って料理に活用 しましょう!また皮膚の老化を防ぎシミ・そば

かすを防止する効果があると言われています。 免疫力の強化、ガン予防、アルコールの分解 促進などの働きもあります。


Respiratory Health: The combination of antibacterial and antiviral activity with the expectorant properties of daikon and daikon juice make it ideal for clearing up respiratory symptoms. Daikon juice not only clears out phlegm, but also eliminates bacteria and other pathogens, keeping your respiratory system healthy.

Digestive Health: Daikon juice has been shown to possess enzymes similar to those found in the human digestive tract, including amylase and esterase.

Detoxification: Daikon has a diuretic benefit; it helps keep the kidneys clean and functioning at a high level by stimulating the elimination of excess toxins, fats, and even water through urination.

Cancer Prevention: Daikon not only has a high nutrient content, but it also possesses certain antioxidant phenolic compounds that have been shown to reduce various types of cancer, particularly of the stomach.

Immune System: The high concentration of vitamin C in daikon makes it an ideal partner for your immune system.

Anti-Inflammatory Action: Research has found that the level of anti-inflammatory compounds in daikon juice and the normal roots and leaves can significantly decrease inflammation throughout the body, lower the chance of developing arthritis, treat gout, and ease discomfort and pain from injuries and strained muscles.

Bone Health: Daikon is a rich source of calcium, which is essential for bone health. If you are at risk for developing osteoporosis or are beginning to feel the pain of your age, adding some daikon and calcium to your diet can definitely improve your conditions and slow the natural aging process.

Weight Loss: It is low in calories and contains no cholesterol, but it’s high in fiber and nutrient content, making it a weight-loss aid. It fills you up and gives you essential nutrients for your day without significantly boosting the number of consumed calories or cholesterol in your diet.

Skin Health: The antioxidant properties of daikon help to prevent the effects of free radicals, the harmful byproducts of cellular metabolism. So, you can use daikon juice or a slice of daikon for bug bites and other skin irritations.

A Word of Warning: Some evidence suggests that daikon and other radish varieties shouldn’t be eaten by people with gallstones. Other than that, daikon is not commonly known as an allergen and is generally considered healthy for anyone.

Source: Organic Facts



From Love, Sanae

650 Plant Based School Furofuki Daikon 700


材料 (4人)


大根 1 本


浄水 4〜5カップ

醤油 大さじ4〜5



くるみ カップ1


大根の煮汁 大さじ4 〜6(味をみて、このみで入れる)

みかん汁 (冬)少々



① 大根を2cm厚の8個に切る。

② 鍋の底に昆布を敷いて大根を置いて浄水を大根の半分くらいまで入れ、沸騰するまで煮る。

③ 醤油を入れて、火を弱火にして蓋をして30〜40分煮る。

④ 味噌くるみソースをかけて食べる。



① くるみを炒り、すり鉢に入れて擦る。大根の煮汁と味噌を加え混ぜる。

② みかんの汁を加える。




Love, Sanae 💖

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