“Sanae is powerful yet gentle, wise and intuitive.”
– Tobey Maguire
“Sanae’s journey is almost unbelievable; she had experienced death and rebirth more than anyone I know, and it has made her deep and rich and full of wisdom. “
– Jessica Porter
Author of The Hip Chick’s Guide to Macrobiotics
“A truly unique and amazing woman, healer, chef-artist, friend, animal lover, and force of nature herself!”
– Jane and Lino Stanchich
Kushi Institute Certified Macrobiotic Educators and Counselors
“Sanaa’s love of life, compassion, vast knowledge, contagious smile, and pearls of wisdom are sure to inspire anyone looking for greater body, mind, and spiritual happiness!”
– Wendy Esko
Eden Foods – Director / Marketing Research
Author / Macrobiotic Teacher
“Sanae is a gifted companion and guide on our shared journey to greater health and happiness. Her writings, recipes, photos, and other musings are consistently inspiring and illuminating. She is a seasoned teacher, counselor, and chef and the embodiment of the macrobiotic way.”
– Alex Jack,
Executive Director, Kushi Institute and co-author of The Book of Macrobiotics with Michio Kushi